Tuesday, January 8, 2008


from the 1972 sears catalogue. the family that shoots together, stays together.

alright, let's get purgative. i've been somewhat remiss in my blogging duties of late so have a bit of a backlog of miscellaneous tidbits to unload upon you. my blogging recalcitrance has been in no small part been fuelled by my unexpected good health, which continues to dazzle me, my parents and my oncologist. last week i had a blood test where my white blood count was around about five times that of the average human being. while i've since had another dose of chemotherapy to take it down a peg or two, i figure that makes me roughly as infectable as jesus. or wolverine. i've started feeling a bit lethargic in the mornings, but even as expected as that is, it's coming through pretty low on the ol' chemo shit-o-meter. i like to think that i've fought through this with a modicum of style so far, having in the last month managed to chalk up attendance at no less than four festivals, and any number of other miscellaneous gatherings. again, hence the blogging drop off. i've been busy. convalescence ain't what it used to be. but we're back now, and here's a few odds and sods to whet your appetite.

1. 'deputydog' (ah, i love blogging monikers) has put together a list of 5 sci-fi worthy research facilties. the thing below detects neutrinos and cosmic rays and is built a kilometre underground in japan. but more to the point, how FUCKING AWESOME does it look. i mean, that's what science is all about. right?

2. plush toys for dead people. a company named eternahugs is marketing a new range of cuddly urn equivalents in which to deposit the ashes of your loved ones. varieties include the 'eternabear', a 24 inch cuddly bear that can apparently have 200 cubic inches of dead person stuffed into them (just like regular bears) and the yet to be released 'eternapillow', which allows you to sleep on the remains of your loved one every night.

also, can i just say that 'cremains' has got to be one of my favourite words.

3. while we're on a slightly spooky bent with this, how about the terrifyingly named 'reborns', hyper-realistic fake babies who were the subject of a recent UK channel 4 doco. from the times tv guide:

My Fake Baby explores the lives of women who spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of pounds on lifelike baby dolls known as “reborns”. Some have beating hearts and tiny veins. They are loved like real babies, cuddled and taken for walks. Doll designer Jaime – a mother of four – fulfils the dreams of other women by engineering babies to their specifications in her front room. Adoptive “mothers” include women whose children have grown up and left home and women unable to have children of their own. It would be easy to dismiss all this as sad, strange and just plain wrong, but it gives great comfort to those involved.

watch a promo clip here. it's... interesting stuff...

anyway, hope that's provided some fodder for the next dinner party. more coming soon.


Milosh said...

Fuck me, I'd get a fake baby. The physical comedy potential of slipping them into people's bags on public transport alone is surely worth a few hundred dollars.

Rebecca said...

Hi Luke. Conor passed me your link in my briefing on all things Perth and I meant to write you a proper email but then I saw the reborn bit and I had to comment here. I watched the documentary and damn, those ladies are weird. Like if Matt Lucas was watching he's got a new character weird. The woman who got a recreation of her grandson because her daughter emigrated to New Zealand selfishly taking him with her was weird AND sad because she quite easily could have been your primary school teacher.

Glad to hear things are ok, or as ok as can be, and now that I've broken years of not being in contact on a blog comment, I will send you that proper email. xx

Anonymous said...

the fake baby thing, i watched that, and seriously people are disturbed! ergh, i feel sick just thinking back about it now!!!! this is worth the watch!